Latham & Watkins Ironman Fundraiser

Ubuntu Pathways is a nonprofit organization that provides an integrated support system of health, education, and social support in the townships of Port Elizabeth, South Africa. Over the past 19 years, it has grown into an internationally-recognized blueprint for community transformation. Ubuntu has redefined mainstream development models by focusing on the depth rather than breadth of our impact on a community of 400,000.

All funds raised by the Latham & Watkins’ team will go directly to help Ubuntu establish the townships' first primary school in partnership with African School for Excellence.

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Meet the Athletes

Sven Völcker
Sven Völcker
Partner, Brussels

"The opportunity to make a tangible, immediate, and truly life-changing impact on the children of Zwide Township inspires me to want to race in this Ironman world championship and will help me get through any rough patches that I may encounter during the competition.”

Watch Sven's film

Jean Paul Poitras
Jean Paul Poitras
Partner, Brussels

“Fundraising to build a school for Ubuntu will allow us to create a tiny bit of the luck for Port Elizabeth’s vulnerable youth that we have all been blessed with by having the good fortune to grow up where we did. A safe and supportive learning environment — something too easily taken for granted — will hopefully help these children to dream and then chase those dreams as we have had the good fortune to do.  We want to give the Ironman motto ‘Anything is possible’ a new and even higher ambition for Ubuntu’s youth by bringing together Ubuntu and the Latham IM 70.3 team.”

Watch JP's film

Thomas Fox
Thomas Fox
Partner, Munich

“I have seen the shocking conditions on the ground in South Africa’s townships, where so many children — whose lives have barely started yet — lack any hope for a healthy, happy future. By fundraising for Ubuntu, we can support them in providing help and support for children in need; at the same time, we hope to draw attention to a devastating situation that many people don’t even know exists.”

Watch Thomas' film

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Bob Steinberg
Partner, Los Angeles & Washington, D.C.

“Helping Ubuntu build a school is especially meaningful to me because I am supporting this effort with a team of my fellow Latham & Watkins colleagues who share a common passion. Together, we are pursuing our passion for triathlon and also helping Ubuntu advance educational opportunities to underserved children in Port Elizabeth.”

Watch Bob's film

Rob Malionek
Robert Malionek
Partner, New York

“By taking on this challenge, we have the chance to make a truly meaningful impact. This community needs our help. And you don’t have to compete in an Ironman to make a difference — this partnership lets us all contribute in our own ways.”

Watch Robert's film

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Adrian Maizey
President & Partner, Riskowitz Capital Management

“I believe the potential for change, growth, and success in South Africa is only expanding. As a proud South African and passionate triathlete, participating in an Ironman in my home country with peers from Latham & Watkins is exciting and will enable me to give back to this extraordinarily special place. Together, we are racing for a higher cause that will benefit a community — and together, we will achieve more than any of us could as individuals.”


Latham & Watkins has been a key supporter of Ubuntu since day one. For 20 years, they have provided us with essential resources. The firm’s efforts have been a major factor in our growth from two people from different worlds with a shared vision — into a world-class organization that takes over 2000 children on a pathway out of poverty, from cradle to career.  

Thank you to these incredible athletes on Team Latham.  Their efforts and the money that they raise will allow us to build a groundbreaking school on our campus.

- Jacob Lief, Founder & CEO, Ubuntu Pathways

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2018 IRONMAN 70.3 World Championship: port elizabeth, south africa

On the 1st and 2nd September 2018, IRONMAN will be hosting its IRONMAN 70.3 World Championships on the African continent for the first time — in Port Elizabeth, home of Ubuntu's headquarters. A group of partners from Latham & Watkins, a global law firm and long-standing pro bono counsel to Ubuntu, will compete on Ubuntu's behalf, to run, swim, and bike across Nelson Mandela Bay this September.

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Raising $250k for a primary School

All funds raised by the Latham & Watkins athletes will help Ubuntu establish the first high-performing primary school in the townships of Port Elizabeth. This move is major step toward fulfilling Ubuntu's pathway out of poverty goal and will provide hundreds of disadvantaged children with the opportunity get a solid education and a way forward to higher education and financial stability. 

Take This team to the finish line

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